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Hypnotherapy Training

What is Hypnotherapy Certification?

Because hypnosis and NLP reach the subconscious mind, they are extremely effective in helping people who experience anxieties, phobias and multiple other problems.

There are various ways hypnotherapists can address these problems.

Hypnotherapy works by accessing the subconscious mind.

The practitioner takes the client to the source of their issues by attaining valuable information that can help promote relaxation, comfort, and healing.

With our program you will obtain a valuable skill set and also have the opportunity for personal transformation.

Hypnotherapy has been proven to be the most effective and efficient path to creating lasting change for a number of issues, including trauma, PTSD, anxiety, addictions, weight issues, depression, shock, phobias, and many more.

Introducing the basics about subconscious minds, you will learn a step-by-step model for inducing the trance state, how to recognize trance depth, and how to utilize hypnotic suggestions.

Secondly, you will achieve a deep understanding of how hypnotherapy helps treat physical issues, such as stress-related disorders (headaches, ulcers, etc.), weight gain and weight loss, smoking, and so on.

Lastly, you will also learn how to develop a private practice and grow a client base.

Hypnotherapy is a prevalent therapeutic practice that uses hypnosis to get clients in a state of increased suggestibility, helping them overcome a problem or medical issue.

Some of the main issues that can be resolved using hypnotherapy include:

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Sleep disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Pain management
  • Kicking bad habits, such as smoking or drinking
  • Weight loss and more

While it is commonly used in the treatment of trauma and mental or behavioral disorders, there are many other areas hypnotherapy can be applicable to.

A professional hypnotherapist is able to help their clients identify the root cause of their issues that lie in the subconscious mind and resolve them. When the root cause is addressed, the symptoms will fade away. Clients can experience the benefits of hypnotherapy even after just one session.

The Hypnotherapy Certification package will teach you both setting-up the PRELIMINARIES needed before beginning hypnotherapy sessions and, how to effectively conduct HYPNOTHERAPY SESSIONS.

Hypnotherapy has been proven to be the most effective and efficient path to creating lasting change from virtually all issues, including trauma, PTSD, anxiety, addictions, weight issues, depression, shock, phobias, and many more.

By using hypnotherapy, therapists can spend less time talking with their clients, and more time understanding their clients and helping them heal.

Thousands of Lea Institute graduates have learned in their toolset how effective hypnotherapy can be as a technique for healing, and our school is one of the leading institutes for hypnotherapy training.

Informative Statistics:

When asked if it was valuable to have a coach, an overwhelming 98.5% of coaching clients said the money they spent working with a coach was well worth the investment.

  • 90% of clients said their investment in a coach was very valuable

When asked what topics they had been coached on, clients (who could select as many choices as were applicable) said they work with their coach on the following issues:

  • Time management: 80.5%
  • Career: 74.3%
  • Business: 73.8%
  • Relationships/Family: 58.6%
  •  Physical/Wellness: 51.9%
  • Spiritual: 51.0%
  • Personal: 45.2%
  • Goal-setting: 39.5%
  • Financial: 38.1%

When asked if it what was the role of the Coach, clients (who could select as many choices as were applicable) characterized the role of their coach as the following:

  • A Sounding board: 84.8%
  • Motivator: 78.1%
  • Friend: 56.7%
  • Mentor: 50.5%
  • Business consultant: 46.7%
  • Teacher: 41.0%
  • Taskmaster: 30.5%
  • Spiritual guide: 29.5%

When asked what was the result of working with a coach, clients (who could select as many choices as were applicable) said they experienced the following benefits from working with a coach:

  • Self-awareness: 76.6%
  • Setting better goals: 72.4%
  • A more balanced life: 69.5%
  • Lower stress levels: 67.1%
  • Self-discovery: 58.9%
  • Self-confidence: 58.4%
  • Improvement in quality of life: 53.3%
  • Enhanced communication skills: 52.5%
  • Project completion: 51.7%
  • Health or fitness improvement: 48.8%
  • Better relationship w/ boss, co-workers: 33.3%
  • Better family relationship(s): 33.3%
  • Increased energy: 31.9%
  • Enjoyment: 31.9%
  • More income: 30.7%